The March to End Fossil Fuels will take place on Sunday September 17th. People will start to gather at 12pm, the march will start at 1pm, and end around 4:30pm.
The graphic and video below have all the information you need to join the march and make it a powerful event. More details are also on this page.
The march route is 1.3 miles long, paved and mostly flat, in a dense city environment with a fair amount of shade.
Porta-potties will be set up at the start of the march and at the closing rally, including ADA units & hand washing stations.
The rally will have ASL interpretation and space reserved near the stage to see the interpreter.
The rally will also have a shaded seating area for those who need it.
A team of volunteer marshals will be working throughout the day to monitor and respond to health and safety issues as necessary.
We know that some individuals will need certain accommodations in order to have the best experience possible. If you are in need of accommodations, such as assistance with mobility devices or access to pedicabs or wheelchair accessible vehicles, please let us know by using this form.
Everyone is welcome to join any part of the event as they are able, whether that's a part of the march, or the closing rally at 51st St and 1st Ave.
Everyone arriving by subway is strongly encouraged to take the train to Columbus Circle (A, B, C, D, or 1 trains), and move south on Broadway to join the march. (Check the subway weekend maintenance schedule here.)
Buses should drop off on 57th Street, between 7th and 8th Avenues. Both sides of the street have bus lanes and there will be people there to greet you.
Buses should pick up on 1st Avenue, between 55th and 57th Streets.
Please bring:
comfortable clothes and shoes
hat, sunscreen, jacket, or anything else you need to be safe and comfortable
refillable water bottle (full at the start of the day)
snacks for the day
fully charged cell phone; portable battery if you have one
signs, banners, or art
Please do not bring:
weapons of any kind
wooden or metal sticks or poles
drugs or alcohol
INVOCATION OF SPIRIT 11am on September 17th; east side of Broadway & 53rd St
People of many diverse faiths and spiritual communities will gather for an Invocation — inviting the spirit of the divine within our traditions, as well as the spirits of our ancestors, of future generations, of nature, plants, animals, elements, and all the places of the earth affected by what happens in NYC (the UN, Wall Street, etc) to march with us and help us to have the love, strength and courage we need to create a just and thriving world. People of all ages and cultural traditions are invited!
Contact atwocrows@centerforearthethics.org with questions.
COVID infections remain a risk, especially for vulnerable individuals and communities. The March to End Fossil Fuels will take place entirely outdoors, which substantially reduces the risk of infection.
Anyone traveling in a group by bus or train is strongly encouraged to wear a mask during their travels. Wearing a mask is also encouraged during any indoor activities before or after the march.
Masks are required at the volunteer art builds preceding the march. More info here.
Anyone who feels sick or experiences any COVID symptoms should stay home and not attend the march.